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Meet the Board

Independent Directors

Alistair Reid

Independent Non-Executive Director and Chair of Link Fund Solutions Limited Board

Alistair joined as an iNED to the Board in February 2021 and took on the roles of Chair of the Link Fund Solutions Limited Board and the Value Assessment Committee. Alistair has worked both in and alongside the investment management industry for more than 40 years, holding senior positions at both large international and smaller UK firms including Crux Asset Management, Thornhill Holdings, and J P Morgan Chase.

Anthony Stuart

Non-Executive Director

Tony was appointed an Independent Director of both Link Fund Solutions Limited and Link Financial Investments on 15th November 2017. Tony is a Chartered Accountant and Investment Banker. He was a Managing Director and Executive Committee member with N M Rothschild, where for thirty years he advised on strategy, financing and M&A for a wide variety of companies in the UK, Europe and Australia.

He has held a number of non-executive directorships since his retirement in 2011 and was formerly the Hon. Treasurer at the University of Surrey, a Governor at Falmouth University, a NED at St. Ives Group and a NED at Cornwall Development Company, where he had responsibility, inter alia, for the roll-out of Superfast Broadband. Tony is an Independent Director of the London Metal Exchange.

Executive Directors

Nigel Boyling


Nigel is responsible for the overall operation of Link Fund Solutions. Nigel joined Link in 2009, and became a Director in 2011. Prior to joining Link, Nigel was Compliance Director with Prudential and M&G where he led the business through various significant regulatory changes including the implementation of Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (FSMA) and Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID).

Prior to this Nigel was a member of the Executive Engagement Team at Manulife Financial, where he was IMRO Compliance Officer and Head of UK Internal Audit. Subsequent to moving into financial services Nigel worked in utilities and local authorities, including London Boroughs and district councils. Nigel is a Chartered Public Finance Accountant, Fellow of the Institute of Internal Auditors, and a Fellow of the Royal Statistical Society.